Thursday, May 14, 2009

Show and Tell Time Everybody

Amber's side of the story

We're having a girl.... this was my initial reaction

A boy vs. a girl

Everybody always asks, "are you hoping for a little boy or a little girl?" I mean cmon, think about who you asking. Is there really a doubt in your mind?

Friday, May 8, 2009

A Little One Is On The Way

Hello friends and family,

As you probably already know Amber and I are expecting a little one soon. Some friends of ours posted a blog during their pregnancy and it was a lot of fun to watch and stay caught up on what was going with them so this is our attempt at providing you with the same thing. So, keep us in your prayers and prepare to share in our experience as we excitedly await a new addition to the Kramer family.

- Ryan and Amber